Sunday, March 24, 2013

More Playing

I continue to experiment with my Gelli Plates and am discovering what I like and what mistakes I would not like to make again. I use mostly found objects for making impressions on the Gelli Plate. The other day when I was walking the pup, I found these lego like toys on the side walk and oh are they fun to squiggle over the plate.

I also use a rubber shelf liner for making marks and love the little dots I can stamp on a printed piece after I have picked up the paint from the plate.

I notice that I tend to a lot of layers of paint. I also do not lift a full print, but like to just 'kiss' the plate with a part of the paper, sometimes doing this several times on the paper and sometimes, just once. I also do not clean my plate so there are a lot of layers of paint that I pick up sometimes. I live in Arizona so it is really dry and the paint dries quickly. I add GAC-100 to extend the viscosity of the tube acrylics. I have almost used up all the cheap craft paints and have to wait until my funds are replenished to get more. The craft paints stay wetter longer, but I do like the texture of the thicker tube acrylics. I am very curious to see how these heavily textured prints will progress as I add more paint and collage. I purchased several Golden Fluid Acrylics because the colors are so rich and beautiful and want to use these as washes over the textured prints. So the next phase is to make a journal and then continue the playing.

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