Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Time to Reactivate

It's been a while since I posted here. Spring is just around the corner and this seems to be a good time to awaken from a long winter. I have been playing with mixed media techniques since last summer when I took a couple of workshops with artists Jane Davies and Sandra Wilson. I have since watched very Youtube video Jane has made at least once. I really like her style and it seemed like something I could attempt. It is about color and texture and composition. The composition part is the tricky part for me, but I try to see with my photographer's eye and think about what makes for a good photograph. Jane does have some video classes that I am hoping to get in the next couple of months (saving those pennies).

I just got a Gelli Plate. It is really fun to use and all about color and texture and patterns. I have several ideas of what to do with the papers created with the Gelli printing, but started with a 4x4x400 project which is curated by Jane Davies. Check out Jane's Blog to find out more about the 4x4x400 Project.

Here are a couple of samples of Gelli Prints. I will be posting all of them on my Flickr site.

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