Monday, December 16, 2013

Time Travels - Traveling Time

I "want to make good time, but for [me] now this is measured with emphasis on "good" rather than "time" and when you make that shift in emphasis the whole approach changes." 

This quote from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig has served as a beacon throughout much of my life. Of course, I cannot deny that there were many years when I was part of the mad rush of career and prestige and staying ahead of the curve, but when I travelled, this philosophy guided my approach. Now I am off the curve and "thinking about things at great leisure and length without being hurried and without feeling [I'm] losing time." (I'm rereading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and discovering a new level of understanding.)

I still struggle with feeling like I must be doing something, I must have something to show for my time. But with constant vigilance, I am redirecting my thinking and retraining my mind to embrace Just Being.

I was brought up where when asked, 'what are you doing?', never to say 'nothing'. But perhaps that is what we need more of, just doing nothing...then maybe we would have the open space in our mind to listen to our dreams. For "it's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." (The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho)

This past month, I've traveled from low desert to the shores of the Colorado River. I spent some magical days in Cibola Wildlife Refuge.
I spent a wet soggy night listen to the wind whip my tarp and tent apart. And the next day in the laundromat. 
I learned that a tent with a full rain fly is essential, especially before I head up to the Great Pacific Northwest. And perhaps it's importantly, I learned that I CAN weather the storm. 

I'm learning to go with MY flow and playing with my muses when they come a knockin'. 
I'm trying to do more Nothing. But what ever I do, I remember that "it's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary." (The Alchemist)


Cate Rose said...

I'm enjoying following your vagabonding journey (a lot of gerunds there). Everything you say is true for me, as well. Probably true for most of us. We grow up in a certain mold, and it takes the rest of our lives to fully let that go and become whoever we really are, inside. Rock on, sister!

SwankieWheels said...

Nice, Ilese. Living in the Now can be a lot of fun... and you will know you are getting closer to mastering the skill when you get past feeling like you MUST be doing something. If you aren't punching a timeclock... then you don't need to always be doing something. Nothing is good too.

Gaelyn said...

Learning to do nothing comes with a little guilt that I've had to get rid of too. Being in the NOW is absolutely the best.