Saturday, November 22, 2014

Settling In

Change is constant, but it does take time to get used to. Winter is approaching and it's a good to to start to take root. Getting my space arranged so that it feels like my home. I'm enjoying a slower pace (slower than keeping up with a toddler every day).
Playing and experimenting with layers on the Gelli Plate. I enjoy cutting my own stencils by hand. Usually the are from cardstock and have a limited life. So then they become elements in a collage. And the prints are limited series, which adds to the ethereal nature of creativity.

I am experimenting with layering paint and pulling prints in a series of two or three steps to achieve a print like this one. This print is the final one-pull print of a three step process.

This piece is on it way to being a finished mixed media collage based on a Gelli Print. I painted, collaged, doodled and painted over a print that still is partially visible.

1 comment:

Dina said...

Hey! I drew your name a few weeks ago as the winner of my book on my blog. I sent an email that day but never heard from you...wondering if it got lost (or if your reply got lost). So I'm reaching out again. Email me and let me know where you'd like me to send the book. Thanks so much!
